9th December, 2023, Anand: Dr Meenesh Shah, Chairman, NDDB delivered the 20th Convocation Address of the Indian Institute Plantation Management (IIPM), Bengaluru on 8th December, 2023 in Bengaluru as Chief Guest. Shri L Satya Srinivas, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Chairman, IIPM presided over the ceremony in presence of Prof Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Director, IIPM; Board of Directors of IIPM; Chairmen/CEOs of other commodity Boards and industry leaders. 293 graduating students were awarded the Institute’s prestigious diploma. Dr Shah also presented the Medals and Certificates to students.
In his convocation address, Chairman, NDDB shared the journey and experiences of Indian dairy sector, critical success factors as well as learnings emanating from it, which are relevant for other sectors also in general and agribusiness and plantation sector, in particular.
He mentioned that to create something revolutionary you need both able leadership to provide vision and ardent professionals to put the vision into reality. This was accomplished at NDDB and AMUL by harnessing the power of people with the skillsets of professionals.
Dr Shah stated that if there is a vision and well devised plan, funding for it may not be an issue, provided you have innovative approach to raise funds. He took the example of Operation Flood which initially was funded by monetizing the commodity received from European Economic Community to create Institutions and Infrastructure. The start-ups today are also leveraging the same through innovative ideas and propositions.
Chairman, NDDB informed that now when India has become self-sufficient, the next step for Indian Dairy sector is to be – ‘Dairy to the World’ and several interventions are being undertaken towards it. In fact, in many of the agri commodities, India has huge potential for export.
Dr Shah stated that in times to come the agri-business sector and allied sector are definitely going to need more professionals as new avenues have opened up in the sector looking for specialized roles.
Chairman, NDDB highlighted that for long-term success connect with farmers is very important and advised the young professionals – Wherever you go, whatever be the sector, for whomsoever you work, keep farmers at the centre and try to bring smile in their faces. He also congratulated the graduating students and wished them success in their future endeavours. He advised the students to always carry the spirit of inquiry, the commitment to excellence and the passion for positive change.
Shri Srinivas reminded the students about their upcoming journey from being students to professionals and emphasized that the future is in their hands. He said that life’s lessons are diverse and one should be open to change. It is important to align values with interests and contribute to the society.
Prof Joshi said that over the recent years, the Institute adopted a pro-active strategic approach to transform it into a vibrant institute with world-wide reach that include adopting a holistic approach to plantation crops, commencing new academic programmes in Food Processing and Exports Management, active institute-industry interaction, contemporary research ·and training on emerging challenges etc. With Institute’s rapid adaptation with fast emerging business realities, it is poised to leapfrog rapidly to transform itself with cutting edge research and globally competitive management professionals.