Kerry Dairy Ireland has confirmed its price for May milk supplies.
It will pay 41c/litre at 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat and 44.96c/litre at EU standard constituents of 3.4% protein and 4.2% butterfat.
Based on Kerry’s average milk solids for May, the milk price return inclusive of Vat and bonuses is 43.54c/litre.
A spokesperson for Kerry Dairy Ireland said that “there is sustained strength in butter prices as supply has been curtailed in the EU”.
“The higher prices are testing buyers resilience and only essential business is being done at these levels. Any increase in availability will put pressure on prices.”
Lakeland Dairies was the first to confirm its May milk price this week.
It confirmed it will pay a base price of 41.9c/litre for milk in the Republic of Ireland.
The base price has been held from last month and includes the 0.5c/litre sustainability incentive payment.
A 1c/litre input support payment continues to be paid on top of the base price.
The all-in base price for suppliers is 42.9c/litre for milk supplied in May.