There is a view that the rural economy is under pressure and the urban economy is doing okay. What is the reality?
Jayen Mehta: Everyday buys milk worth Rs 200 crore from the farmers so that much money continues to be poured into the rural economy. We operate in every single geography of the country. 38% of our turnover comes from smaller towns with a population less than 20,000. We are seeing good growth. It is almost double-digit growth not just in dairy products, in milk also and across the categories. I am particularly not too worried about the slowdown or a rural demand dipping or any pressure in the urban side.
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Thankfully because we have a portfolio which is very balanced and both fresh, frozen, long life ambient and so on, unlike most companies which have been listed and who report their numbers with no growth or minus one or two percent, our quarter-on-quarter growth has been pretty good and we should be fine.
What were the numbers if you can share with us?
Jayen Mehta: This overall growth in the dairy products, the consumer space was more than 10%, in fresh products it is about 14-15% and this summer the beginning has been very good, ice creams are going up 40%, beverage has been growing very well in double digits. Curd, buttermilk, all going up 30-40%. So, it is a good beginning of the new quarter. Also in the summer season and overall also we see a lot of increase and optimism in the market. People are moving from loose to packaged and branded. Amul being the most trusted, widely available and most affordable brand, gets the maximum traction.
Are you growing because you are gaining market share and others are losing?
Jayen Mehta: Yes, growth comes both ways. Expansion of the market has been a bigger focus for us and obviously taking on competition is an important part.