Dairygold has announced a weather/fodder relief payment of 2c/litre and has maintained the March quoted milk price at 40c/litre.
In addition, the early calving bonus of 1c/litre will be paid on milk supplied in March.
The attainable Dairygold milk price for March milk is therefore 43c/litre, including the weather/fodder relief payment and the early calving bonus.
The March milk price equates to an average farm gate milk price of 46.6c/lire, based on the average March 2024 milk solids achieved by Dairygold milk suppliers.
The quoted milk price for March based on EU standard constituents of 3.4% protein and 4.2% butterfat is 45.7c/litre, including the early calving bonus and relief payment.
A company spokesperson said that Dairygold “recognises the significant challenges that the ongoing adverse weather conditions are causing for our suppliers, and therefore committed to paying a strong milk price for March, with the inclusion of a relief payment for March milk only”.
“Dairy market returns remain uncertain, due to the continuing weaker demand, particularly in China. The Dairygold board will continue to monitor markets closely and review milk price on a monthly basis,” the spokesperson added.