The Milk Price Tracker – brought to you by Agriland and the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers’ Association (ICMSA) is set for a revamped look in 2024.
Since its launch in 2020, the Milk Price Tracker has become the most in-depth and technically accommodating price comparison available to Irish dairy farmers and industry as a whole.
It is now accepted as the industry standard metric for Ireland’s dairy farmers.
Agriland and the ICMSA are continuing to add to the monthly Milk Price Tracker to ensure that readers are obtaining the relevant information easily.
With this in mind, a number of the changes have been made for 2024 and beyond.
Milk Price Tracker
For 2024, a number of changes will be introduced to the Milk Price Tracker, but the key information for readers will remain.
Irish dairy farmers are paid on an A+B-C system with farmers paid for kg of fat and protein and deducted for volume.
The prices paid for these kg of fat and protein will remain in the table to ensure that the Irish co-ops remain accountable for the prices they are paying suppliers.
The price for a litre of milk that meets the required constituents will also remain, but the green arrow indicating an increase in base milk price (compared with the previous month) and a red arrow indicating a drop in base milk price – will be replaced.
Instead contained within the table will be the price in c/L that the price has changed that month, with a green number indicating an increase and red indicating a decrease.
This will allow readers to easily see the changes in base milk price of co-ops.
A new feature for 2024, will be the introduction of a ranking system for the co-ops.
The milk processors that are included in the table will now be ranked based on the price they are paying for base price milk.
This will offer even more transparency and ensure that readers of the Agriland and ICMSA Milk Price Tracker will have a greater understanding of how their co-op is preforming compared to other Irish co-ops.
The introduction of the ranking will give a better understanding of how individual co-ops are performing on a monthly basis.
Also for the 2024 Milk Price Tracker there will be the addition of Centenary Thurles. The Co. Tipperary based co-op will bring the total number included to 15.